本站为【传爱成考】旗下网站,主要提供免费成人高考政策与资讯,信息仅供学习交流,非官方网站,具体信息以福建省教育考试院www.eeafj.cn 为准。



福建成人高考信息网www.fjeduzs.com.cn 发布时间: 2017年06月05日


  (1)so, neither, nor引导的省略句。


  1.Distrust can be contagious(传染的)。 But so can trust.

  2.John is learning Spanish. _______ his sister.

  A. So does B. Neither is C. Nor does D. So is

  3.Man cannot live by bread alone, nor / neither can he live without bread.

  4.He has never been to London , nor / neither have we.


  1.Only if you have a receipt ________ change the goods.

  A. we can B. will we C. we do D. we will

  only if: 只要,只有<用于句首,后接从句,主谓倒装> 答案 B

  2.Never before _________ seen such beautiful clothes designed by such a young lady.(答案 B)

  A. he has B. has he C. have he D. he have

  3. Hardly had he arrived home when it began to rain.

  4. Not until the game had begun _________ at the sports ground.

  A. he arrived B. did he arrive C. he didn't D. would he arrive(答案 B)




