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福建成人高考信息网www.fjeduzs.com.cn 发布时间: 2017年06月03日

3. “Someone ate my cookies.”

  “Well, I didn't and _______ Alice.”

  A. neither was B. nor did C. neither D. nor was

  答案 B


4. _______ the words to the songs, but he also composes (作曲) the music.

  A. He also writes B. Although he writes

  C. Not only does he write D. Even if he writes

  答案 C


5. No sooner ______ than the jeep started off.

  A. his luggage was loaded B. had his luggage been loaded

  C. loaded his luggage D. his luggage was being loaded

  答案 B


6. Scarcely had he gone out ________.

  A. that it started to snow B. that it started to snow

  C. when it started to snow D. and it started to snow

  no sooner……than;scarcely……when;

  答案 C

7. “I like the film.”


  A. Nor do I B. Neither do I C. Either do I D. So do I

  答案 D




